15 May 2024 | CARD REVEAL

The Dreamkeepers Tarot

Inspired by traditional Rider-Waite, the Dreamkeepers deck plumbs the spiritual depths of tarot to help readers come to terms with the mysterious forces that influence our lives. The intriguing imagery of Dreamkeepers Tarot represents years of Liz Huston's journey of personal growth and healing, and includes new tarot art created especially for this U.S. Games Systems edition. She presents tarot as a mirror that reflects our deep inner truths and reveals our hidden motivations, beliefs and expectations. Her art creates an alchemical blend of multiple paint media with digital photographic montage, offering signs and symbols to help the reader interpret tarot and all its wisdom.

Get The Dreamkeepers Tarot Here

Wednesday’s Mercury Messages


So many choices. This caused you to take a time out to see if you could figure out what is happening.

This was an impossible idea and because of this pause you may have lost an opportunity or 2 setting you up for some instability.

There was just too much energy vying for you attention and then you threw yourself into isolation. The key phrase here for you to remember is, “set back = opportunity”.

You are not alone and if there is some kind of financial crisis a solution will present itself from deeds you have done in the past for another person.


WOW! You are in your power right now. You’ve created a moment where everything is manifesting according to the visions you are having, whether in day dreams or night dreams.

Pay attention to your Higher Self and your words because they are prophetic.

This is a time of great light, profound happiness, joy and satisfaction.


Yes, there is something falling apart that you can NOT do anything about except watch the beauty of lightening striking a tree.

The moment will be so profound and unforgettable, telling you, you need to pay attention because something is being awakened in this moment of profound destruction.


While there seems to be a lot of loss and things falling apart you must understand this is necessary for better things to come along and be put into place because there is a great LIGHT coming into your visions.

I can’t see how this great LIGHT will manifest for you. The closest I can come is to the lightening bolt reference in the Future comment.

The loss/destruction is necessary to help you build a better foundation for your life. Please protect yourself as necessary and keep the visions as positive as possible. This is MOST important and what you CAN have some kind of control over.

The entirety of this Mercury Message was written using my Creative Intelligence, not Artificial Intelligence.

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