Sitting with My Feelings

A Gentle Journey to Self-Understanding

There are days when I wake up with a heavy heart, and emotions that feel too big to carry. Maybe you've felt the same? Over time, I've learned that it's okay to feel this way. More importantly, I've discovered the beauty of sitting with these feelings, embracing them, and understanding them.

Today, I want to share this journey with you, that I’ve embraced for over 30 years, with the hope that it might bring you a little comfort too.

1. Acknowledgment: Saying Hello to My Feelings

The first step I take is to acknowledge what I'm feeling. Instead of pushing it away or pretending it's not there, I gently say to myself, "I see you. I feel you." It's like greeting an old friend. By doing this, I give myself permission to feel without judgment. This gives space for the emotions to breathe and then move through.

2. Finding a Safe Space: My Personal Sanctuary

When emotions become overwhelming, I find a quiet space where I can be alone with my thoughts. It could be a cozy corner in my room, a park bench, or even just closing my eyes for a few moments. This space becomes a sanctuary where my feelings and I can coexist peacefully.

Lots of times this includes a hot bath. I’ve developed my home over the years to be such a sanctuary. I surround myself with art and treasures I’ve gathered from my adventures to sacred places.

3. Breathing Deeply: The Power of the Breath

I take a few deep breaths, inhaling love and exhaling any tension. This simple act of breathing deeply helps me center myself. It's a reminder that I am alive, and with each breath, I can find clarity and calm. I also studied Kundalini Yoga so I could embrace the power of taking a breath and help myself to get more centered and calm while the turmoil is going on. Breath is the number one action to take.

4. Journaling: Conversations with My Heart

One of the most therapeutic things I do is write down my feelings. It's like having a conversation with my heart. I let the words flow, without censoring or judging them. Through this, I often find insights and understandings that were previously hidden. Journaling is one of my favorite things to do.

5. Seeking Comfort: The Warmth of a Hug

Sometimes, all I need is a hug. If there's someone I trust nearby, I reach out for a comforting embrace. If I'm alone, I wrap my arms around myself. It's a gentle reminder that I am loved and cared for.

6. Mindful Meditation: A Dance with My Emotions

I've found solace in meditation. By focusing on my breath and being present, I allow my feelings to flow through me. I imagine them as waves, coming and going, and I am the shore, steadfast and unchanging. I also do dance with my emotions during what’s called a 5 Rhythms practice. I attend a class regularly on Sundays.

7. Seeking Support: Sharing My Heart

There are times when I need to talk, to share what's on my heart. In those moments, I reach out to a trusted friend or therapist. Speaking my truth and being heard is incredibly healing. This can be a little difficult to find as most people are not the best listeners. They always try to fix you instead of just listening. This is why most times I pray to my Angels, Guides and Masters to guide me who I should call or pray for the right person to call me. This usually works. I just have to be patient.

8. Self-compassion: Being My Own Best Friend

Lastly, I remind myself to be kind. I speak to myself as I would to a dear friend. "It's okay," I whisper. "You're doing the best you can." This one I tend to forget and can be a little hard on myself. This is why I need the reminder, A LOT!

Sitting with my feelings has been a journey of self-discovery and love. It's taught me resilience, understanding, and the power of vulnerability. If you ever find yourself overwhelmed by your emotions, I hope you remember that it's okay to feel. Embrace your feelings, sit with them, and know that you are not alone on this journey. You will learn so much about yourself and what your emotions want to tell you.

And remember, emotions are always moving, they never stay fixed. They will come and go. What you want ideally is to see what they have to say and let them go on their merry way. You will start to feel the power of love from the Divine and from yourself. And then your heart will open up to receive love from others that are right for you.


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